Dallas Oaks Farm Sales Policy
Please Read This Form in its Entirety
Dallas Oaks Farm Sales Policy
We reserve the right to refuse any sale.
We disbud horned kids unless requested otherwise and deposit paid.
All kids will be weaned at 8-12 weeks of age, and will not go to their new homes until this age, unless circumstances require a bottle baby.
A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due to hold any goat, with the balance due before/at pickup. This deposit will only be refunded (or shifted to another goat) if the animal becomes unavailable (sickness or death); this is a rare, and has not occurred at our farm.
Goats will be registered with the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR). Note that any goat bred and born on our farm will have the prefix of Dallas Oaks Farm on their registration paperwork.
Dallas Oaks Farm reserves the right to name the goat on the registration paperwork. However, in advance notice, we will consider a name of your choosing.
PRICES: $175-$250 for wethers (higher pricing will include registration application or registration; Dallas Oaks Farms reserves the right to register wethers if registered before purchase)
$300-500 for bucks/bucklings (will not sell without registration)
$500-700 for does/doelings (will not sell without registration).
Payments can be made via cash or PayPal. Payments made through PayPal or card may have an additional fee of 3%.
Our goal is to preserve the quality of this breed by maintaining registrations on our goats sold. We consider it a responsibility to the breed to continue the heritage of myotonic goats.
Occasionally an animal may be sold as pet quality only. A buck will be wethered in this instance.
Goats can be sold with a health record and will have their CD&T shots, de-worming if needed, and hooves trimmed. Our herd (goats over 1 year) tested negative for CAE, and Johnes in April 2021. We only test for CL every 2 years and none of our herd has shown signs of CL. Any goats added to the Dallas Oaks Farm are also from tested and closed herds.
We do ask that you either already have goats or purchase more than one. They are herd animals. We will not sell to someone that only plans to have one goat. We may ask for proof that you have other goats.
Please do your research and plan to pick up your goat(s) with the proper transportation. Tying them in the back of a truck or vehicle is not acceptable. A crate should offer wind/rain protection. We ask that you consider your animal's health and make the proper arrangements ahead of time.
All goats that are not picked up in a timely manner (30 days after weaning) will be charged a boarding fee of $3 per day for up to another 15 days. Unless prior arrangements are made, the goat(s) will then be regarded once again as Dallas Oaks Farm and no refunds will be given.
We are looking for suitable, healthy homes for our goats. They deserve excellent care. This includes research and diligence. Pay attention to your goats. Check them for parasites and conditions like Coccidia. Vet attention may be warranted at times, so budget for that (just like you would a dog or cat). Buy from disease tested herds. Many do not test for diseases. By not testing, you run the risk of transmitting said diseases. All can be fatal to your herd.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.